
  • Resources for Parents / Guardians RE: Covid-19
  • Vaccination advice during COVID 19 It has never been more important for children and adults  to be vaccinated to keep them well and prevent them being hospitalised in future months with the risk of COVID 19, other preventable diseases and seasonal influenza being ever present. This is for your own information, your friends and contacts and families you may be in contact with in the coming weeks and months. Information about vaccinations for all groups in the context of COVID 19 is available on the following link at the National Immunisation Office. https://www.hse.ie/eng/health/immunisation/whoweare/vacccovid19.html

The attached is for infants in the 1st year of life -13 months and these vaccines are available from the family GP.  Link

Vaccinations for school going children will be provided at local clinics by appointment only and we at local immunisation offices are in the process of contacting students whose vaccinations have started and need to be resumed following easing of COVID restrictions.

Source: Counselling Nurse – HSE                                                                                                                               Date: June 2020


  • Service User Engagement Consultative Group – We want to hear from you !!! See Information
  • Shannon Airport (A service for Passengers with Autism / Special Needs) Overview / Booklet

“Let’s Talk” (Working Together For a Better Service) Click here for More Information