The HSE CHO 3 region has implemented the National Policy on Access to Services for Children & Young People with Disability & Developmental Delay (NAP) from June 2022. NAP Policy document

This means that now parents, teachers, allied health professionals and medical professionals can refer a child to a Children Disability Network Team. The CDNT service caters for children with complex needs who present with or are at risk of developing a disability.

CHO3 – Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT) Referral Process and Form

If you make an application for an Assessment of Need (AON) under the Disability Act 2005, an Assessment Officer will arrange to have your child’s needs assessed.  Depending on the concerns identified, the Assessment Officer may request that some or all assessment is carried out by a Children’s Disability Network Team. You do not require an Assessment of Need to get access to the CDNT services, and an AON will not prioritise you referral to a CDNT.  If you apply for an Assessment of Need (AON) you should also complete the referral form above the the CDNT services, to avoid any delay in getting access to CDNT services.

While you are waiting on our services, we have made some information and resources available for you to useClick Here.

This information may also be of interest to families who are already attending our services or referrers to our service.