About North Tipperary CDNT



Family Network Meeting

North Tipperary CDNT Newsletter

North Tipperary CDNT Data Information Leaflet

Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP)

North Tipperary Events Page

Entrance to Services Booklet


The North Tipperary Children Disability Network Team (CDNT) provides specialised support and services for children who present with complex health needs arising from disability or developmental delay.  The CDNT supports a child’s development, wellbeing and participation in family and community life. This works best when everyone works together as a team around your child. The team members share their knowledge, information and skills with you and your family so you can support your child’s development.  This helps children and young people to develop, learn, and take part in everyday activities.

The service is operated by Enable Ireland, in partnership with the HSE. Children who present with complex needs arising from disability or developmental delay, aged 0-18 years can access services. The service caters for children and their families who live in the Mid-West Community Health Network Area 2, which comprises of most of the North Tipperary area.


The interdisciplinary services approach is child and family centred and is offered across a range of settings which may include the centre, home, school and preschool settings as appropriate.

Family Centred Practice involves and bases all interventions on goals that are developed in collaboration with parents and carers to support their child in participating fully in society. Based on priorities and goals, strategies for home and team interventions are set out in an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).

The teams strive to deliver an interdisciplinary team based service which is:

  • Child and Family Centred
  • High Quality
  • Accessible
  • Integrated
  • Safe

North Tipperary CDNT has a variety of clinicians who are offering a wide range of interventions to support a child’s goals enhancing their development. The clinicians have a background in the following disciplines:

  • Paediatric Link Worker
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Social Work
  • Psychology
  • Early Intervention Educator
  • Nursing
  • Therapy Assistant
  • The team is supported by the Children’s Disability Network Manager and administrative team.

Who your child sees and how often they see them will depend on your child’s needs. The team will discuss this with you. Their aim is to support your child to thrive, grow and learn. They will also help your family to learn how to best support your child. Your family and the team will agree on a plan for your child. This is called an Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP). It is based on your family’s needs. You can find out more about the CDNT and the different disciplines Here.

We have developed a section of the website for families where they can access lots of information which may be of use to them. You can find that Here. 

Enable Ireland also have a section on their website with many resources for families. You can find that Here. 

You can find out more about the Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP) and how the prepare for your IFSP – Click Here or Watch Here

You can find out more about how we engage with our families at our Family Network Meetings below:

  • North Tipperary CDNT Family Network What is it? 
  • North Tipperary CDNT Family Network Meeting Flier (dates for 2025) -Flier

You can find out more about events in your area Here. 

Websites you may be interested in:




